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Gaming chairs

🥇 Top 10 Best Gaming Chairs Under $100

Amongst most gaming enthusiasts, there is a myth that professional gaming chairs are very expensive. This is quite true to some extent because popular brands like DXRacer start from $300 going upwards. We will, however, debunk this myth because in as much the big brands are costly; you can actually get a cheap gaming chair...

the best gaming chair for big guys in 2019

🥇 Which is the best gaming chair for big guys in 2019?

When it comes to PC gaming chairs, weight and body size is a major concern, just like with the traditional office chairs. While most of the standard models suit the majority of players, it's quite hard to buy the right gaming chair if you are big and tall like me. Many are times I got...

Gaming Mouse

Best Gaming Mice Review

As an avid gamer, I have come to understand that the best gaming mouse is one you can conveniently hold onto for hours at a stretch and can help you increase your competitive advantage when gaming. Well, there’s just ONE problem. Finding a “Good” gaming mouse is a tough job. So, what are the best...

Fabric vs Leather Materials

Gaming Chair Materials – Leather vs Fabric

Even though it is often disregarded, the material of your gaming chair is a really important factor. However, when shopping for these chairs, gamers only f ocus on aspects like ergonomics, adjustability, comfort, and price. It is often felt that the material of the chair doesn’t matter. This is a very wrong perception and in...

The Different Types of Headphones

The Different Types of Headphones

Owning a set of headphones is nowadays second to nature, especially with their newfound affordability. These small gadgets have become a necessity to anyone who loves to enjoy listening to audio privately without external disturbance. Even though everyone will confess that buying them is not rocket science, when asked to identify their different types, their...

Gaming equipment - all for real gamers